He is best known as the frontman of Les Grands Hurleurs, a band that brings Quebec’s traditional music to all corners of the world. But with just his guitar and violin, he presents his first solo performance. Softly and with simplicity. Far from the fiery energy of his lively trad music, here he offers an intimate version of touching songs. A special and timeless moment, a patchwork of popular and traditional tunes, delivered through his voice, his fingers, his soul, and his heart. From Vigneault to Roch Voisine, and from Ferland to Aznavour, he will take you through the full range of emotions. A show that is both warm and intimate, like moments spent with family around a campfire.
Don’t miss Nicolas Pellerin on Saturday, July 5, on the Trou du Diable Old Prison stage at 5:00 PM!