Accessibility and inclusion are fundamental values for our organization, and we are committed to ensuring a welcoming environment for all. A number of measures are put in place every year to ensure that all FestiVoix outdoor sites are accessible to all. These measures have been approved by Bail-Mauricie.
All FestiVoix outdoor sites are accessible to people with reduced mobility. Places are limited on all our sites in general admission, the rule of first come/first served applies. Arrive early to get a prime spot.
Groupe Somavrac lodges are accessible to people with reduced mobility. However, wheelchairs are not permitted in the following areas: VIP Belitec, Club FestiVoix Desjardins, Zone 360 and front-stage aera.
As a person with reduced mobility, your companion can enter the various FestiVoix sites free of charge if you have the Carte accompagnement loisir (CAL). To obtain your CAL card: www.aqlph.qc.ca.
Reserved areas
Reserved areas for people with reduced mobility are provided at all outdoor sites. They are accessible to anyone who has permanent or temporary mobility problems, and who uses a manual or electric wheelchair, cane, crutches or walker.
Places in reserved areas are limited, and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
There is plenty of free seating on the main site for shows on the Loto-Québec River Stage. We advise you to arrive early to guarantee a choice seat! What’s more, most of the FestiVoix stages offer seating, including the Monastère Hydro-Québec stage, the Garden stage, the Courtyard stage and the Chapelle Les Manoirs stage.
Giant screens are set up at the Garden Stage and the Courtyard Stage to rebroadcast shows from the Monastère Hydro-Québec Stage and the Fleuve Loto-Québec Stage live. Away from the crowds, these areas offer a quieter environment for visitors who feel the need to enjoy the performances in a more tranquil setting.
Wheelchair-accessible toilets are available at all our sites.
From the moment you arrive on site, our information desk, located at the end of Rue des Forges in the Trois-Rivières harbour park, will be on hand to answer all your questions and ensure your stay is a memorable one!
A free rental service for wheelchairs, walkers, canes and crutches is available from our first-aid team.
A loading dock for access to the main site is also available near the information kiosk.
.A shuttle and bike-taxi service* is available between the stages for those with mobility problems.
*Please note that shuttles and bike-taxis are not suitable for wheelchairs.
TheSTTR’s transportation service includes an accessible door-to-door paratransit (collective) service, operating by reservation only. To take advantage of this service, you must request admission by contacting the STTR by telephone at 819 373-4533. . Details
Taxi Elite offers paratransit with a van equipped with an access ramp and regular cab service. It’s best to book your trip in advance. Details
Main entrance near the reduced-mobility area
Rue des Ursulines, opposite the Fabrique de théâtre insolite
CMI entrance next to information kiosk
Wheelchairs are also available for festival-goers wishing to get from the site entrance to the reduced-mobility areas, and volunteers are on hand to accompany you from one venue to another. Chairs are available in the reduced-mobility areas.